The History of Pubs in Ringwood, Hampshire, UK

Discover the history of ​​Ringwood Pubs up until 1939 in ​​this carefully researched book. ​​The first edition has sold out, ​but a copy can be viewed at ​Ringwood Meeting House.

If you would like to reserve a ​copy of the second edition or if ​you have any further

information on Ringwood Pub ​History prior to 1939, please ​email

Corrections to First Edi​tion

If you have a copy of this book, please amend it as follows:

p. 11 and 41: It would seem that the author’s assumption that The Coach & Horses was to the left of The ​White Hart when viewed from the street might be incorrect. It is highly likely that it was actually to the ​right of The White Hart, at no. 2 Market Place.

p. 28 and 86-87: The editor made an error when describing which part of The Lamb Inn is newer than the​ other. The original part of the building looks onto Christchurch Road.​


Further updates will be published below

Update 1 - relating to p.11 and 41 - also see Update 6:

Historical documents, a summary of which are now available online, confirm that the Coach and Horses ​was next to The White Hart. However these ones do not specify which side of it.

The names included in them are Alexander Carter, Thomas Marten, Thomas and James Hackman, all of ​Ringwood, and Charles Hackman of Lymington.

Thank you to Mary Baldwin for pointing me in the direction of the Hampshire Record Office website, ​documents 13M60/29, 13M60/30 and 13M60/32.

Update 2 - back cover photograph

The photograph of the author was supplied by John Hawkins but was taken by the late Ted Baker.

Thank you to John for letting me know.

Update 3 - relating to p.34 & 37 and 68 & 70

Thank you to Peter Trill for confirming that Kitty Trill and Sarah Trill were sisters, born 17th March 1797 ​and 9th April 1802 respectively.

They were the daughters of John Trill b 1770 who was Peter’s 4 x Great Grandfather.

Kitty was also the Kiturah mentioned as the wife of Joseph Riggs, landlord of The George in 1841. Kitty ​died in 1855, Sarah in 1879 having never married.

The Trill family name lived continuously in Ringwood until 2014.

Update 4 - relating to p.68 & 69 and p.56/57

William Mahershalalhashbaz Bradford’s Great Granddaughter, Jill Collier, has kindly contacted me to ​confirm that he was the publican at The George Inn before he died in 1901. Clearly Maher’s death will ​have been the actual reason for his son, William Henry Bradford, taking over.

William Henry Bradford married Kate Minchinton, who was the daughter of William Minchinton of The ​Lamb Inn. Unfortunately William Henry Bradford committed suicide in 1936.

Update 5 - relating to p.87 and p.68

Another of Jill’s Great Grandfathers was Robert Domett Bartlett. He married Ann Ward of the Fish Inn.

Their son (Albert Henry Bartlett) married Amelia Bradford, the eldest daughter of Wm Maher Bradford ​above.

Jill relates that Amelia, her grandmother, used to entertain the pub customers and earn the odd 6d by ​standing on a pub table and reciting her father's name in full - but backwards!

Update 6 relating to p.11, p.41 and replacing update 1

It would seem that the author’s assumption that The Coach & Horses was to the left of The White Hart ​when viewed from the street is incorrect. It is highly likely that it was actually to the right: no. 2 Market ​Place.

A photograph of this location, taken around 1850, that was published by Ringwood Town Council in ​1977 in a Pictorial History of Ringwood from 1850 shows a building with 4 casement windows in the ​upper storey and Frampton’s original shop underneath. Ringwood historian Mary Balwin has informed ​me that it was number 21 on the tithe map of 1848 and that the terrier* with it states that it was owned ​by Mary Travers (also owner of the White Hart) and occupied by Ann Feltham in the westerly part ​[which would have been next to The White Hart] and by Robert Frampton in the easterly part.

By 1868 the building had been demolished to make way for a town hall and corn exchange, which is ​pictured on the front of the above publication. Derelict since 2002, the building is now set to be ​transformed into two commercial units and twenty maisonettes. []

*Terrier is a survey list of all the lands (and sometimes other property and their occupants) belonging to an estate.

Mary Baldwin has explained to me that the author’s research into the location of the Coach & Horses ​was carried out before he embarked on his ‘pub book’. It was set by their tutor as the history class’s ​first attempt at reading documents written in old English during the 1600s. Reading the words is hard ​but interpreting them is not always straightforward either.

Document 13M60/29 describes the New Inn as being “part of a messuage, tenement or cottage … that ​lyes [sic] next to the White Hart …. and was lately called the Coach & Horses”. Document 13M60/30 ​refers to a “part of the messuage, tenement or cottage called the New Inn next to the inn called the ​White Hart in Ringwood”. Document 13M60/32 adds the detail that it is “the East part of a tenement ​called the Coach & Horses”.

If “the tenement” had referred only to the building which was once The Coach & Horses and was ​subsequently split into two, then for The New Inn to be “next to The White Hart” and to be the “East ​part”, it would have to lie to the West of The White Hart, where The Lighthouse Cookshop now stands. ​Together with the adjoining two shops, this used to be Cox & Hicks, the drapers. But, when researching ​“The History of Cox & Hicks of Ringwood”, available from Ringwood Meeting House, its author Mary ​Baldwin found no mention of The Coach & Horses on that site.

The most likely conclusion therefore is that “the tenement” refers either to the two pubs owned by ​Mary Travers or to the full line of buildings extending from no. 12 Market Place (The Star) right through ​to no. 2. In this scenario, no. 2 would have been the site of The Coach & Horses and subsequently The ​New Inn. I wonder if this was once run by the Feltham family, with Ann Feltham living there after it had ​ceased trading. In publishing my father’s ‘pub book’, and since, I have learnt that the lives of Ringwood ​publicans were closely intertwined. A William Feltham was at the Kings Head in 1789.

Update 7 relating to p.28 and pp.86-87

The editor made an error when describing which part of The Lamb Inn is newer than the other. The ​original building would have looked onto Christchurch Road. The extension would have faced High ​Town Road and was probably built around the same time as the railway station, because The Lamb and ​the station house are very similar in style. The confusion arose because of the postal address, but of ​course this detail for Royal Mail would have been introduced after the arrival of the railway in ​Ringwood.

Reader Jill Collier has answered my question regarding the spelling of the surname of the family who ​arrived in 1881: apparently it varies – sometimes with the g and sometimes without. Kate A Minchinton ​married William Henry Bradford of The George Inn, who was Jill’s Great Uncle.

After studying the handwriting on the census for that year I think it shows 5-year-old Frank’s middle ​initial as M rather than V, but subsequent official records have his initial as H which, according to his ​marriage certificate, stands for Herbert, not Hubert. (Documents viewed on

Having been granted planning permission in 2024, The Lamb Inn has now permanently closed.

Update 8 relating to p.16 and p.56

The great-great-grandson of George Ward senior, John Frampton, has kindly been in touch with details ​of his ancestors’ connections to The Fish Inn:

George was a ‘Fisherman of Ashley’ at the time of the baptisms of his sons George (1837) and Alfred ​(1839) and was then listed as a pork butcher in the 1841 census before he took on The Fish Inn. In ​successive censuses the following are listed as licensee - 1861,1871 George Ward, 1881, 1891, 1901 ​Mary Ward (daughter in law), 1911, 1921 George Ward (son), Register of 1939 Charlotte Ward (widow). ​John also confirmed that Charlotte was 90 when she died on 22 June 1963.

Seeing the photo of the high river level in Jubilee Gardens (p.15) reminded John of “a long wooden ​bench that sat under the window in the public bar, as it was then known. This would be the right-hand ​bay window as one looks at the front of the Fish. The bench had a notch, cut about six inches above the ​floor, that was meant to mark the level of the highest flood water experienced at the pub. This probably ​coincided with a photo which I have recently seen, showing the river in flood, dated April 1915.

I cannot remember the Fish ever being flooded, probably because the bank was later reinforced by a ​protective wall.”

Update 9 relating to p.36

The first name of the landlord of The White Hart in 1922 was Frederick and he had at least one daughter, ​Margaret Ingram Westcott, who was born when he lived in the registration district of Hackney.

Margaret was the wife of a second cousin of Jill Collier who has kindly provided me with this and other ​information, recorded in previous updates.